Naaman Tan

Naaman Tan

Software Engineer with experience in NLP/CV research. If you need an engineer who can quickly prototype concepts and scale them up, I could be the person you’re looking for.

About Me

Hi! My name is Naaman. I'm currently a Software Engineer at Palantir. I graduated from NUS with a double major in Computer Science and Economics in 2024.

I spend most of my time these days bouncing between my full time job and research work with Ryan Cotterell's group at ETH Zurich. Outside of work, I spend my time reading books, making meals and watching movies.

I'm always looking for fun and interesting projects to work on, so feel free to reach out to me and let's build something together.


Palantir Technologies (London)

Palantir Technologies (London)

Software Engineer, Aug 2024 - Present

Apple Inc.

Apple Inc.

Machine Learning Engineer Intern, Sept 2023 - Dec 2023

Palantir Technologies (London)

Palantir Technologies (London)

Software Engineer Intern, June 2023 - Aug 2023

Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR

Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR

Research Intern, Nov 2022 - Feb 2023

Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse AI

Full-Stack Software Engineer Intern, May 2022 - Aug 2022

Institute of Data Science, NUS

Institute of Data Science, NUS

Undergraduate Researcher, Aug 2021 - Feb 2022

DSO National Laboratories

DSO National Laboratories

Machine Learning Engineer Intern, May 2021 - Aug 2021


A Fundamental Trade-off in Aligned Language Models and its Relation to Sampling Adaptors

[Naaman Tan], Josef Valvoda, Anej Svete, Tianyu Liu, Yanxia Qin, Kan Min-Yen, Ryan Cotterell


National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore

B.Comp. Computer Science (CAP: 4.84/5.00), 2019 - 2024

ETH Zurich (Exchange)

ETH Zurich (Exchange)

B.Comp. Computer Science, 2023 - 2023


NUS Notes and Reviews

A collection of my notes and reviews of the classes I took at NUS.

Oxford Map The System 2021

Led an interdiscplinary team of 5 to investigate how meritocracy in Singapore worsens inequality with a systems thinking approach. Won the national finals in May and placed 2nd in the global finals.

DJI RoboMaster Robotics Competition 2021

Led a team of 5 in developing 3 Standard Robots. Team placed 4th globally (1st in SEA) for RoboMasters University Championship Online Competition.

Asian Development Bank #DigitalAgainstCovid19 Hackathon 2020

Led a team of four in prototyping a integrated waste management solution based on p2p matching and machine learning. Drew a wireframe in Figma and implemented an waste image classification model based on MobileNet. Our team was a Top 10 finalist among 140+ international teams.

Shell ITF Scenarios Competition 2020

Led a team of five in collaboration with faculty members from LKYSPP in charting out how different energy scenarios would impact Asia and the Middle East.



Python • C/C++ • R • Java • Javascript/Typescript • HTML/CSS • SQL • Rust

Engineering Frameworks/Tools/Libraries

Express • FastAPI • React • Docker • Kubernetes • AWS (EC2, Sagemaker, SQS, SNS, DynamoDB) • Postgres • AtlasDB • conjure • graphQL

Machine Learning Frameworks/Tools/Libraries

PyTorch/Pytorch-Geometric • Tensorflow/Keras • Flax/Jax • CUDA • WandB • DagsHub

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