Naaman Tan

Naaman Tan

Software Engineer with experience in NLP/CV research. If you need an engineer who can quickly prototype concepts and scale them up, I could be the person you’re looking for.

Hello world!

Posted on December 28, 2022

A new website

About a year and a half ago, at the start of my second application cycle, I figured I’d build a website for myself. Why? Honestly, I’m not sure. I feel like it was mostly to soothe my anxieties about “not being competitive” in applying for jobs, and somehow I thought a website might give me a better chance of looking more employable.

It makes no difference, as I would find, but I do like the idea of having a place to dump my professional/academic journey. Somehow having a place I have absolute control over without the noise that comes with a platform like LinkedIn appeals to me. So here we are. This version of my website feels much cleaner, less flashy, and it feels more me. I like it.

Including blogs

Just before I built my previous website, though, I started a private blog. While that’s a place for my own personal thoughts and reflections on my journey (and at times, to mope, lol), I’ve also been thinking for a while to put my reflections and thoughts on the parts of me I’m willing to put out there, in part just because I like to, but in part also because I think I’ve read a lot of others’ blogs, and many of them have given me new insights, and just as many have given me a sense of solace in knowing I’m not alone going through some of the experiences we share.

So I now have a blog, I guess. Hopefully, it’s not just noise. I do think it’ll be like therapy for me, though, lol.