Naaman Tan

Naaman Tan

Software Engineer with experience in NLP/CV research. If you need an engineer who can quickly prototype concepts and scale them up, I could be the person you’re looking for.

My first paper

Posted on June 14, 2024

It's on arXiv! (written 10 June)

Last year, I spent half a year in Zurich at ETH, and in the second class of Ryan Cotterell’s excellent Large Language Models course I walked up to him to ask if he was looking for research assistants. It has since been a year with several ups and downs, but today, we (meaning myself, Josef Valvoda, Tianyu Liu, Anej Svete and Ryan Cotterell) put up a paper on arXiv, titled somewhat dramatically “A Fundamental Tradeoff in Aligned Language Models and its Relationship to Sampling Adaptors”. You can find it here.

EMNLP (written 14 June)

We’ve submitted it for EMNLP 2024 :)